Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - Public

Distant/remote/virtual healing

  • Q: How am I able to receive healing virtually/remotely/distantly?
    • A: Even during in-person sessions, there are times when Kathryn does remote healing to make things more convenient for the client, like not having to disturb them to change positions or turn over. Distance healing involves the healer tuning into the patient and using visualization, concentration, and the appropriate healing techniques. Because of the way that the human brain works (even for healers who know the following fact), when the healer perceives there is more distance between them and the patient, they subconsciously heal in a more powerful way. So you could be receiving healing that is as good as an in-person session or even better. How great is that!?!

Group healing

  • Q: What does "group healing" mean in this scenario?
    • A: Being a participant in group healing means that various participants have registered for the healing for that week, and all of those people will be included in the healing that is done for that week.
  • Q: What are the different ways I can receive the healing for the week?
    • A: The participants can choose three different ways to receive that healing during that week:
      1. participating in the live virtual healing session
      2. participating by watching (meditating to) the recorded virtual healing session
      3. setting the intention to receive the healing for the week when in a receptive state
  • Q: Can I do other things while I'm participating in the healing session?
    • A: Participants are most receptive when they have their eyes closed, hands/feet/legs/arms uncrossed, and tongue placed on the palate directly behind the front teeth. Participants should not be operating heavy machinery or engaging in other activities when intending to receive the healing. If a participant is busy doing other things, the majority of the healing energy will likely be deferred until the participant is relaxing, resting, or sleeping.
  • Q: What if I forget/am not able to participate in the live virtual healing call, the recorded healing call, or to set my intention to receive the healing that week?
    • A: No need to worry. The way that Kathryn does the healing will include all registered participants for that week, and will send the healing energy to them when they are most receptive:
      • Consciously participating in the healing session
      • Intending to receive the healing
      • resting
      • Sleeping
  • Q: Can I receive the healing for that week multiple times during that week?
    • A: Yes, registered participants can receive the healing multiple times during the 7 days following the live healing session.
  • Q: How will I feel after my first session?
    • A: Most people feel relaxed, calm, clear, focused, and ready to deal with whatever is next on their plate.
  • Q: Will other people outside of the group receive the healing if they watch the live session with me, watch the recorded session with me, or intend to receive the healing?
    • A: Kathryn is a professional healer, and healing others is about an energy exchange. In this case, Kathryn gives healing energy to the registered participants, and in exchange, those participants pay for the healing sessions with Kathryn. Thus, people who are not registered participants do not receive the healing for the week.


  • Q: Why is there only subscription options for group healing sessions and not one time options.
    • A: Typically participants have had chronic-stress or anxiety for a certain period of time (sometimes months, sometimes years, sometimes decades). Generally, the longer someone has had a pattern or ailment, the more sessions it takes to improve the ailment. This is because we are not only removing stress, used up energies, and negative thought forms and patterns. We have to fill that void. To do so, we are also working to change the way that you think and feel about what is going on around you. The rate of healing/change has to be faster than the rate of deterioration/regression.
  • Q: What if I want to pause my subscription?
    • A: You should be able to manage your subscription via your dashboard. If you pause or stop your subscription, you will no longer have access to the materials that are for registered participants. Once you resume your subscription, you will again have access to materials for registered participants.

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