
Welcome to the group healing Open to Inner-Joy: Heal & Reduce Grief with Kathryn Palacio! I'm so happy that your here.

Grief is usually one of most peoples' least favorite emotions to process. One of the reasons is because grief can be so complex - a tangle of various emotions tied up in a loss. Examples of emotions that are companions to grief are regret, guilt, shame, and anger. Ultimately, with a big loss, we can feel like we also lose a big part of ourselves. Afterwards, it can be difficult to find joy in life and things we used to love.

Another reason many of us may push grief under the rug is because we feel like that's what we have to do to keep ourselves together and keep going along the journey of life. Maybe things that used to bring us joy now bring us sadness or pain, or perhaps we feel stuck and no longer feel a zest for life. Moreover, because of our grief, we might close ourselves off to opportunities for joy, happiness, and love.

Grief is a natural response to loss, and each one of us is going to have our own grieving experience. I once heard that grief is one of the biggest opportunities for transformation. As someone who has been through a significant amount of grief and has come through on the other side, I want to assist others who have completed their mourning period and are ready to release the hold that grief and its companion emotions has on their lives and transform their lives into a place where joy can once again reside.

If you're joining these group healings, being open to change and growth is a great place to be. I'm honored to be on this journey with you as you Open to Inner-Joy, whether for one week or several! Thank you for helping to make the world a better place. The more of us who are able to navigate the world from a place of joy and love, the better the world is for all of us.

Many blessings,


Key Concepts:

  • Grief is a natural responses to loss
  • Grief can be accompanied by a complex set of other emotions
  • Sometimes we sweep grief under the rug to keep ourselves together, but after our mourning period, grief can be a great catalyst for transformation
  • Pranic psychotherapy techniques can help release grief and other pent-up energy and emotions related to loss

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