Kathryn's goal is to uplift people to live their most healthy, vibrant, authentic lives by helping them shift/transform/transmute physical, emotional, and mental blockages that are causing obstructions in their lives. She does so through Loving My Soul LLC by offering weekly group Pranic Healing sessions on specific topics/ailment, courses for personal development and transformation, and transformational coaching. Kathryn uses a variety of techniques to assist clients and patients, including Pranic Healing, Reiki, energy psychology, Transforming Blockages (healing multi-dimensional aspects of a client through prayer and work with high beings), light language, and guided meditation.
The energy body, ailments, and Pranic Healing
What happens to our energy fields and bodies as we experience prolonged or chronic stress, persistent negative thoughts, and/or persistent, intense negative emotions? This video of a fish shows a simplified example of that, as well as how Pranic Healing acts as an energetic shower to help cleanse our energy field and bring us back into a state of balance.
Client Testimonial
"A healing journey is important...and finding the right helpers is essential. Over the last two years, the ample amount of upheavals introduced me into what could be referred to as a chronic state of anxiety. To me it felt like a killer clown was trapped inside my nervous system, driving an ice cream van around in circles, at any moment he could get out and kill me from the inside out. If it wasn't that it was the two lions ready to pounce & devourer me at any moment. It was the worst, constantly feeling under attack, waking in the night thinking I was trapped in the underworld...pretty heavy, hard stuff. I shared with a friend what was going on, and she said, "Hailey that's a long time to be sick"...and it really clicked for me how while my body was in great shape - mentally and emotionally I was really struggling.
It took me awhile to find the right therapist & complimentary healing modalities. I've been in regular therapy since January, and it's really helped me slow down, love all the ugly, and articulate better what's happening. I call this earth level healing, but as a holistic gal - I needed another piece.
In addition to traditional therapy, I've done several Pranic [Healing] and Transforming Blockages sessions (energy work) with Loving My Soul LLC (Kathryn). It has not only provided great lasting relief, it has helped me feel like myself again. This type of energy healing & protection has shifted me into a much clearer state, where I don't feel toppled by overwhelming emotion OR thought patterns. Kathryn has made a HUGE difference in my life through her very focused and deliberate sessions. It's helped my work, my relationships, my overall everything. She is a powerful healer indeed (and I do not offer that insight lightly). Whether you've experienced energy healing before or just want to try a new modality - I highly recommend this very detail-oriented, multi-dimensional healer."
- Hailey, California, USA
Hi, I’m Kathryn Palacio
I'm the owner of Loving My Soul LLC. I have a Master's in Biochemistry, and I worked in academia for a few years doing research and teaching. I worked in the Life Science industry for over a decade. Now I find great joy, fulfilment, and satisfaction as a professional Pranic Healer, Reiki Master, coach, and entrepreneur.
How does someone who is scientifically trained get into energy medicine (Pranic Healing and Reiki). I discovered energy medicine through my own healing journey. Being very scientifically minded and detail-oriented, I paid attention to the techniques, the symptoms, and most importantly, the results. I have seen some amazing results with both Reiki and Pranic Healing that made me a believer, and I am very blessed to be able to offer these healing modalities to others.
I am passionate about helping people peel back the layers of programming that they've acquired in their lives to reveal more fully who they are as a soul.
I am also continuously working on my own healing and personal and spiritual development. I am always working to up my game as a healer and offer even better services to my patients and clients.
Pranic Healing
Pranic Healing can help to kick start the body's natural healing mechanism (which stops function well or completely when the body is dealing with chronic stress) or speed up the body's rate of healing. It can be likened to the catalyst of an enzymatic reaction. Here in "reaction" of the body healing, Pranic Healing acts kind of like a "catalyst", in this case, providing extra energy so that the healing can take place at a faster rate than the deterioration of the ailment is happening.
Pranic Psychotherapy
Pranic Psychotherapy is used to help treat mental and emotional ailments and symptoms, like stress and anxiety, including helping to get rid of baggage picked up from stressful or toxic environments or negative interactions with others.
Advanced Pranic Healing
Advanced Pranic Healing techniques are used to cleanse, heal, energize, and balance the aura, meridians, chakras, and etc.
Featured Products
Check out the weekly group Pranic Healing sessions that I offer